About Faith Methodist Church

Faith Methodist Church

Faith Methodist Church opened its doors on Easter Sunday 1999.

We are a welcoming DSCN2344church with caring people, doing our best to proclaim and live out the Word of God.

Mission: Our mission at Faith Methodist Church is to develop devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.

Vision: Our vision is to be a church that helps people transform their lives by experiencing a life changing encounter with Jesus Christ and by helping people in their faith journey grow toward becoming fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.

Here are the ways we strive to live out our mission:

  • Nurture: we nurture one another with life changing encounters with Christ and His Church through study, prayer, spiritual disciplines and community.
  • Outreach: through outreach, we discover our unique giftedness by becoming servants and invite others to become devoted disciples in Jesus Christ.
  • Worship: in worshipping together we stay centered in Jesus Christ through regular church worship and by sharing our talents by serving in various areas involved in worship like art, music, drama, and technical media.
  • Evangelism: through evangelism we reach out to our greater community and share the love of Jesus Christ to those in need and those seeking His word.

Through living out our faith journey we pray that we will become fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ and transform not only our community, but the world.